Build an app. A single app. This single app will replace several legacy apps by integrating them all into one intuitive experience. These apps include peer-to-peer recognition, leadership tools, our in-house catalog, and work anniversary celebration.
Integrate our five existing products into one mobile experience
Make core tasks so quick and easy, they can be completed within 60 seconds of opening the app.
Improve adoption rate from 8% > 16%
Improve monthly active users to 50%
Where it Started
The give experience in the standalone app was complicated, slow, and didn’t give you the warm fuzzies that a recognition platform is meant to.

Baseline Metrics
Based on Product Usability Testing, in order to send a coworker an eCard on our web app, the average user took 5m 32s, and 32 clicks.
Challenges / Goals
A lot of the complexity and confusion of the give flow comes from special configurations for clients, and requests from their admins. Historically O.C. Tanner’s software has been designed with the HR admins’ needs put first. The needs of the user were often neglected.
We wanted to shift this paradigm and focus first on the needs of the user. First make it a good experience and then try to solve the needs of the admin in a way that doesn’t hinder the user.
The real challenge was finding a way to do this within the current system (especially considering that web would not be redesigned in parallel to mobile).
I explored a lot of options around visuals, how to select/edit recipients, how to save drafts, and how to access drafts. After many prototypes, tests, and insights from the engineering team I landed on an interface that gets out of the way of the user.

The Finished Product
Our core functionality revolved around interacting with your coworkers so the app experience was designed around your coworkers.

The Results
Preliminary Product Usability Testing (PUT) has given us some initial success metrics for first time users completing basic tasks.
Given the task to send a coworker recognition (an award in the Culture Cloud platform), we measured time & clicks to complete the task.
What We Learned
We’re moving in the right direction and excited to make even greater improvements to usability, discoverability, and return rate.
By watching the users’ sessions we also learned that with a small tweak to the search results of a Team list, we can make the flow to complete these tasks more intuitive for first time users.
These tests also highlighted a rare bug when searching for a user that the engineers were able to prioritize a fix for.